from Part I
‘Wings’ is a metaphor of the state of ‘flying’,
corresponding to easiness, wellness and excellence.
seems easy, problems find easy solutions. In other words, ‘life is great!’
to come to this state?
to live from this easiness, wellness and excellence?
human being has unlimited source of life within their body.
first thing to do is acknowledge the possibility of this lifestyle.
second step is to acknowledge that there is nothing from within!
Yes! Nothing!
“inner worlds”, nor “I”, nor “Self”, nor “anybody”
is nothing and nobody from within!
you keep
- your Ego,
- people,
- best relationships,
- your secrets,
- real opinions about people
- just important information
- fears,
they become the source of ‘self-talking’; and it seems that it never stops…
Very much like a big stone prevents from fresh spring outflow
Fears block fresh vital energy flow into your body and
That is why unpleasant thought torture you often.
your secret mind and/or ‘foreign installation’ (i.e. somebody else’
mind and will from childhood or army) within your body become the source of
pain and health problems.
purify divine nothingness from human intrusion is the ultimate goal of all
It takes almost life long period for monks to gain
this state of flying.
strongly recommend you to find a very useful and interesting book by
D.T. Suzuki. “Introduction
to Zen Buddhism”. (1st ed. – L.,1932)
Link to one of the libraries
you happen to have an English copy of this book in .doc, text or PDF formats, I
will be grateful for you to send it to me. I will return your copy in several
days, richly illustrated, as I did with the Russian translation.
What can
you do today to purify the living space from within?
1. Make
the principle “There is nothing and
nobody from within” as your
health and wellness motto or personal mantra.
it, repeat it, spell it, write is, and draw it as your own image or symbol.
So, the principle of absolute health is this:
“There is nothing
and nobody in-within.
and everybody is in the outer world”
2. Wish
the world whatever you need yourself.
outer world, or rather your own knowledge about it - is the place of action,
communication or even thinking about it. Your knowledge (and secrets) does not
exist, until you decide to apply it or revive it. So, as the matter of fact,
there is nothing to hide from others within your body or ‘private inner worlds’.
can read your own thoughts, your opinions and your personal information, as you
had encoded it with your own meaning!
In some
cases, your thoughts, attitudes or opinions can resonate with the same thoughts
attitudes and opinions of another person or group. If it happens, then there
occurs mutual understanding. But this is another story.
the outer world is your own interpretation or understanding of it, you may
easily wish it the best things you love. This is how you can do it:
wish the world beauty”
wish the world absolute health”
wish the world to bathe in love”
wish the world kindness”
wish the world lovely relationships”
wish the world happiness”, etc.
more often you wish the world the best, the better your health and
relationships become. As what you wish – comes to you multiplied!
No needs
to say, that if you or somebody else wishes the world and people evil or
troubles – they get the troubles back themselves, multiplied…
you wish the world everything the best on regular basis,
…thus, removing blocks of fear, loneliness,
selfishness, etc
from the purest and wonderful source of life,
the world whatever you need every morning and night before falling asleep, you start
noticing that your relationships become better and better, you attract
interesting and kind people, etc, etc, etc.
of your wish opens the best possibilities in the form of purest intelligent and
loving energy of the universe!
you world the world friendly attention to each other and kindness
Your fears become less as they shrink in size to dissapear
…opening fresh space and energy for best relationships
wish you happiness on your own terms,
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