Friday, August 31, 2012

Art Therapy: How to Stop Overeating (Part 3)

Fast Dagestan Method
Read parts #  1    #  2

Being slender and beautiful is art! We are learning with you the art of creating healthy contexts for eating as much as you wish to. Slender and beautiful women have a wellness type of mentality. They eat as much as they like, without any limitations, special diets, fearing overweight or struggling appetites. That is why we are getting acquainted with lifestyles of people living in Dagestan – a small republic in mountains, Caucasus, Russian Federation.

High in the mountains there is a village Kubachi, known all over the world.


It is a place of fantastically talented artists, goldsmiths, chasers and armourers.

Masters in Kubachi

Even women of Kubachi create beautiful artworks

Silver Plate by

Mannaba Magomelova.

Admire artworks from Kubachi and fill your mind with fresh ideas about your own artworks and your hidden talents just opening…

To be completed…
Natalia Levis-Fox

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Art Therapy: How to Stop Overeating (Part 2)

Fast Dagestan Method

Most of the Dagestan villages are situated high in the mountains. Nevertheless, people grow



apricots, sweet cherries

and grapes.

Dagestan produces excellent cognac

When you live in the mountains, you’ve got to be hardworking. Yet Dagestan people are very talented… dancing

 ... humor

…cooking super pies, meat

… creating famous all over the world jewelry

…and graving

To be continued…
Natalia Levis-Fox

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Magic healing methods from Africa for men: Beginning from today we shall discuss with you nice fast methods for either healing, resolving problems or getting what we want. The p...

Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Magic healing methods from Africa for women

Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Magic healing methods from Africa for women: So called ‘white magic’ in its different forms there had been used in Africa for centuries. Each lady can create a doll and make it ...

Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Are you a pleasure seeker?

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Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Fast fear loss methods: public speaking

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Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Pain and Pleasure

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Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: How To Enrich Your Intelligence

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Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Poppies, Art of Creating from Wool

Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Poppies, Art of Creating from Wool: Did you know, that you can easily create beautiful artworks from woolen fibers? My International Levis-Fox Art Gallery invi...

Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Art Therapy: How to Stop Overeating (Part I)

Natalia Levis-Fox and Fast Solutions: Art Therapy: How to Stop Overeating (Part I): Fast Dagestan Method When I have a client, struggling with overeating and overweight, I usually ask them a very useful question: ...

Art Therapy: How to Stop Overeating (Part I)

Fast Dagestan Method

When I have a client, struggling with overeating and overweight, I usually ask them a very useful question:

“What will be you doing when you become slender and beautiful?”

This question puzzles practically everybody. Struggling takes a lot of time, attention and efforts. Most people have not the slightest idea about a beautiful life they were born for. We shall discuss this topic later.

Now I’ll tell you about a nice and healthy method. It stops both overeating and getting overweighed.

That is why art therapy is very useful. It creates a novel cultural context for a healthy style of eating.

Dagestan men are spirited and strong

A Dagestan girl

Dagestan girls and women are slender. It’s part of their unique culture. Let us have a closer look at this small republic, situated in the Caucasus (South of Russian Federation) 


Alpine meadows of Dagestan

To be continued…
Natalia Levis-Fox

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Poppies, Art of Creating from Wool

Did you know, that you can easily create beautiful artworks from woolen fibers?

My International Levis-Fox Art Gallery invites you to expose and sell your artworks, modern music masterpieces including (4 items are exhibited for free)

Natalia Levis-Fox. Poppies, Woolen Artwork. 38 X 48 cm

Live a beautiful life and become popular all over the world!

Natalia Levis-Fox

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How To Enrich Your Intelligence

There is a very important thing you’ve got to know. Life becomes filled with high quality after abstract concepts are formed about certain things (love, pleasure, satisfaction, etc).

The truth is that abstract concepts and decision-making are recorded in the frontal cortex of the human brain (Badre et al., 2009).

This area controls decision-making along a continuum from abstract to concrete, from front to back.
Without mastering abstract concepts (ex, “love”, “sexuality”, “social intelligence”, essence of “envy” and “competition”) your thoughts and behavior are chaotic and painful!

Scientific research states that seeking for pleasure, better life, rich environments and satisfaction is the main natural condition of improving spices (Prescott, 1975; Carter, 1998; Bartels & Zeki, 2004; Esch & Stefano, 2004; Salamon et al., 2005).

Mastering concepts enriches your intelligence.

Intelligence itself is the source of the state of pleasure, calmness, satisfaction and wellness because in colored circles you will insert your own concepts of wellness, love & sexuality

Find more in my book “How to Create Love

Download free report at

  1. Badre, D., Hoffman, J., Cooney, J.W., & D'Esposito, M. Hierarchical cognitive control deficits following damage to the human frontal lobe. Nature Neuroscience, 2009; DOI: 10.1038/nn.2277
  2. Bartels A, Zeki S. The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love. Neuroimage 2004; 21:1155–66.
  3. Carter CS. Neuroendocrine perspectives on social attachment and love. Psychoneuroendocrinology 1998; 23:779–818.
  4. Esch T, Stefano GB. The neurobiology of pleasure, reward processes, addiction and their health implications. Neuro endocrinology Letters 2004; 25:235–51.
  5. Prescott, J.W., Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence. "The Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists", November 1975, pp. 10-20.
  6. Salamon E, Esch T, Stefano GB. The role of the amygdala in mediating sexual and emotional behavior via coupled nitric oxide release. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2005; 26:389–95.

Natalia Levis-Fox

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Method: “What is waiting for me in the future?”

This is a very popular and frequently asked question.

Most people think that something what we call “FATE” arranges events for them.

If you are one of them, then you can wait.

If you belong to the successful part of humanity, then it’s you, who appoints the desired results, events, miracles, etc.

The method is very simple

1. You choose what you wish to have, with all details
2. You appoint the date, month, year
3. You ask the question; “What is waiting for me in the nearest future (October, 2013, next week, tomorrow, etc)
4. You answer it quite definitely!

For example

What is waiting for me in November?


$ 2 million dollars is waiting for me in November

- What shall I do to ensure or speed it up?
- I will practice The Million Dollar Meditation’ several times a day, with pleasure

Natalia Levis-Fox