Monday, June 17, 2013

Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria and Italian Rai Uno TV Channel

My friend and colleague

Marina  Gorelova, the most reliable French-speaking guide
 to  Elbrus and other extreme adventures

invited me to accompany a group of great Italian travelers and documentary films makers from Italian Rai Uno TV channel as interpreter.

The group was shooting a film about Caucasian republics, including Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachaevo-Cherkessia, united by the project “Overland”.

Philippe, the head of the project

The aim of the project is to get Italian spectators acquainted with beautiful places in Caucasus, meet ordinary people and their healthy lifestyles, penetrate into authentic culture of people, living in this vast area.

Roberto, the cameraman

We met the group on the border between Ossetia and Kabardino-Balkaria, with beautiful wild fields around the post.

Normally, in a clear weather in summer Elbrus looks greatly.

The morning of the next day after arrival was cloudy. So was Elbrus.

We took the ski lift on the mount Cheget

area for extreme skiing, close to Elbrus

On the ski lift

rhododendrons in blossom under our feet

The group is waiting when Elbrus will open itself, in vain

In accordance with the Overland project, we visited local villages

studied, how slender and silent young Balkarian women

their excellent and healthy food

took pictures of people and their kids

and travelled by the rocky road to heaven

on the Russian jeep ‘Niva’

Life is good and challenging!

It smells with wild freshness and honey of the beauty.

Do you live like we do?

With challenge?..

Natalia Levis-Fox

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Communication: How to Read People

Today we shall speak about types of people we have to deal with. When you easily recognize the type of personality in connection with their biological nature – you can manipulate this person.

Why should we manipulate people? In some cases, it is really vital to get what you want without doing any harm to that person.

For instance, you need to get a good job or to deal with your boss and feel comfortable in their presence.

We had already discussed how to use your humor (    3    5 ) in dealing with different people. You can practice it both at home and during working hours to release tension, anger or displeasure. It is both safe and pleasant.

The history of the 4 personality types, the 4 temperaments begins with Hippocrates 24 hundred years ago. He described the 4 personalities by naming them black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood.

So what do these fluids have to do with personality types? Hippocrates described these fluids as representing a person’s health.

Black bile = Melancholy, Yellow bile = Choleric, Phlegm = Phlegmatic and Blood = Sanguine.
the 4 personality types are:

  1. Melancholy,
  2. Choleric,
  3. Phlegmatic and
  4. Sanguine.

Melancholy means that you're really analytical.

Choleric means that you wish always to be in charge.

Phlegmatic means that you are a nurturer.

Sanguine means you simply want to have fun.

Personality Types

Every personality has its own strengths and failings. Every one of us is a combination of all the 4 personalities, but we all have a dominant personality type and a less dominant personality type.

I. Melancholy - also known as an Emerald, Green, Conscientious.

The force of this personality is: Thinker, Inventor, Planner, Analyzer, Accurate, Organized, Thoughtful, Detailed, Artistic, Philosophical, Perfectionist, Economical, Idealistic, and Purposeful.


The failings of this personality are: Introverted, Easily Depressed, Over Cautious, Analysis Paralysis, Layed Back, Skeptical, and Pessimistic.

Those who have Melancholy people close to them ought to drop generalities from their vocabulary. Words like "always" and "never" won't be valued. If at all possible, dip the volume of your voice and keep your tone friendly.

If you're in a bad mood, see that you don't drip your negativism on them, they'll take it personally and be questioning all day what they did wrong.

To convince melancholies you need to have details. They want to see all of the points on the PowerPoint and have them explained as well as any other detailed material. You may want to provide supplemental material with lots of details to them.

II. Choleric - a Ruby, Red, Dominance. The force of this personality is: Natural Born Leader, Goal Oriented, Achiever, Outgoing, Optimistic, Hard Working, Aggressive, Strong-Willed, Decisive, Problem Solver, Confident, Independent, Succeeding, Risk - Taker, Direct.

The failings of this personality are: Domineering, My Way Or The High Way, Rule Breaker, Compulsive, Controlling, Cold, Tactless, Intolerant, Indifferent, Bossy, and Impatient.

A choleric's failings include anger and aggression. A choleric is the most likely to have a dynamic temper; he is a door slammer and horn blower and he might carry a grudge for a long time. This includes a raw and sarcastic tongue and the choleric will rarely hesitate to tell somebody off.


To convince cholerics you have to gain their respect. If they view you as uncertain or unprepared you lose. They like winners. If you want to convince cholerics to attend a function, tell them all the leaders will be there. Let them know how what you offer will make them a better leader. Cholerics lead through the force of their personalities.

III. Phlegmatic - also known as a Pearl, Yellow, and Steadiness. The force of this personality is: Care Giver, Stable, Patient, Listener, Peaceful, Tolerant, Easy Going, Calm, Reliable, Loyal, Pleasant, Inoffensive, Nurturing, and Sympathetic.


The failings of this personality are: Indecisive, Avoids Rejection, Permissive, Worrier, Shy, Bashful, Nonchalant, Timid, Loner, Fearful, Hesitant, and Compromising.

The phlegmatic is better qualified by the words "easy going". He's the relaxed and steady person who is not easily disturbed. He's the easiest temperament sort to get along with.

Life for him is happy, unexcited and calm. Underneath the relaxed exterior, the phlegmatic is the most uncertain temperament type. He frequently utilizes humor to make his points. The phlegmatic is more an observer and doesn't involve himself in the activities of others.
To convince a phlegmatic you have to show them how matters are in the best interest of the group. You often need a format where they're asked their opinion. You may need to communicate in a way that levels the playing field and keeps them from being dominated. They lead by forming alliances.

IV. Sanguine - a Topaz, Blue, Influence. The forte of this personality is: Cheerful, Sincere, Apologetic, Inspirational, Enthusiastic, Creative, Optimistic, Charismatic, Entertaining, Curious, Volunteering, Promoter, Expressive, Outgoing, and Extroverted.  

The failings of this personality are: Talkative, Forgetful, Poor Listener, Repetitious, Frank, Interrupter, Unpredictable, Haphazard, Unorganized, Nervy, Inconsistent, Messy, Moody, Show-off, Changeable, and Scatterbrained.


He's comfiest around people and doesn't like being alone. He's often known as a "toucher"; reaching out and touching the arm or shoulder of the person he is talking with. This may make more introverted temperaments nervous and uncomfortable.

If you want a sanguine personality to attend an event, tell them how much fun it will be or give them a position up front where they'll be noticed. A sanguine would probably make a great master or mistress of ceremony for an event. Sanguines lead by being using their ability to be winsome.

From Michael Lee’s free ebook "Communication Commando"

I get Michel’s newsletters and enrich my intelligence by his brilliant concepts and findings.


Natalia Levis-Fox

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Caucasus, Ossetia, Digoria and Eco Tourism (Part I)

Previous posts about Caucasus:  Dagestan and Ingushetia (1 2,  3)

Every weekend I travel around Caucasus,


the most beautiful and healthiest area in the world. I insist on this fact “the best area in the world’ because I had seen and experienced physically plenty other wild places and mountains: Pamir, Tangshan, Alps, etc.

If I do not travel, I will die of boredom and praised ‘stability’. In-between travels I

- write books on psychology of emotions, pleasure and success;

- create artworks and run my own Levis-Fox Art Gallery;

- consult patients in clinics or just healthy people to get what they want

- write articles in my blogs: about topics that interest and enjoy me personally in order

to find fast solutions or do scientific research and help other people

- do housework,

 my home
grow flowers and do plenty other things I enjoy.

Some of the flowers were brought from wild places I traveled. 

wild geranium

They decorate our garden now.

Wild poppies from Digoria

When you travel to wild and beautiful places, your own nature becomes richer and healthier. You breathe in and exhale freshness and divine pureness. Your eyes deliver you unusual information; your heart joins you in lovely sensations…

What is more, you meet nice people while you travel and explore lovely novelty of the wild.

This is what happened when we entered the land of Digoria – a mountainous area in the north of Ossetia.

Two friendly and handsome police officers

Askhar Marzhev and Soslan Pinov

registered our car and ID just for our safety. When you travel in mountains, the rescue service ought to know that nothing wrong happens to you, right?

This new church had been built by local villagers in the early byzantine style

St George Church

The roof had been made in the ancient Caucasian traditions

Father Ilarion

village parishioners and local masters actively assist in decorating the church



The nature of Digoria met us by emerald green freshness

To be continued…

Natalia Levis-Fox

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Funny Video: Lover in the Wardrobe


I was cleaning my computer and found plenty of short and funny videos. They were made ages ago, but they have charm. I am sure this one will raise your mood and make you happy. This is what laughter makes for us!


Natalia Levis-Fox