Friday, January 24, 2014

The Intuitive Chakra

The Intuitive Chakra influences your intuition.

Location: Center of the forehead
This Chakra acts as your inner compass
Energies: Air, meditative, intuition, promotes thought
You know your Intuitive Chakra is STRONG when you are able to make accurate intuitive decisions and evaluations about your career, your family and the intentions of other people.

You often know things without knowing exactly how you know them, and you have a clear sense of direction and clarity in everything that you do. You have a vivid picture of where your life is headed, and the people around you are likely to rely on you for guidance and advice.

You know your Intuitive Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED if you feel lost and helpless when faced with decisions and judgment calls.

You are indecisive, uncommitted and unconfident of the decisions you end up making, because you have a history of making the wrong ones. You feel spiritually lost, and your true purpose is unclear to you. You often get headaches and feel tension in your brow area.

Intuition is usually is well-developed in people, who often deal with dangerous situations, either professionally, or in everyday life. Threatening life situations cause the rise of intuition just to stay alive.

Intuition, i.e. vision and events prediction is also used in broader, more intelligent meaning. We call it “to have the picture of the world”.

The most preferable and safe way to open this chakra as well as your talents is to develop and master your intelligence. It begins with forming concepts about things that are important to you. Concepts are abstract ideas in their systematic vision, i.e. understanding.

You can also use this approach to things that you do not understand. For instance, take the word “MIND” and make an extensive research of this notion. Begin with Oxford dictionary.

  1. Get acquainted with different meanings of this notion.
  2. Find out its synonyms and antonyms.
  3. Write down all the expressions with this word (from different dictionaries).
  4. Find out etymology (origin) of this word.
  5. Explore the meaning of this important notion in other languages.
  6. Make a diagram of this word in connection with other words and set expressions.

You may discover that your own understanding of the word ‘mind’ was very limited. After your philological and philosophical research, your intelligence will be considerably enriched. Your vision of your own mind will be broader and healthier.

Believe it or not, very soon there will appear situation, when you will have a chance to reveal your systematic knowledge about ‘MIND’ in public. It will surprise your colleagues or friends…

Articles on intelligence from this blog:

Intelligent people are welcomed and adored everywhere!

Natalia Levis-Fox

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