Sunday, June 15, 2014

Quote about problems and dreams

As people we are regularly busy with solving personal or other problems, rather than finding new challenges. We often do not notice it.

If you ask a preoccupied person:  
“What would happen if your problem is solved?”,
 they would never tell you. They have nothing new and interesting at their disposal.

The word ‘problem’ comes from ancient Greek and means ‘task or challenge to solve’ (ex. mathematical problem).

What are your dreams?

  1. In personal life
  2. In profession or business
  3. Entertainment
  4. Relationships
  5. Art, crafts and hobbies, etc

Who implements them?

If nobody else but you, what steps did you make to your dreams realization?

If you expect something magical will make your dreams a reality,

How do you define this something and how many times did you express your gratitude for your dreams implementation?

This is how Quotes make us more intelligent and inventive!

Natalia Levis-Fox

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