Friday, November 28, 2014

Pain, Fighting vs. Peacefulness

We shall go on with discovering the origin of acute and frequent pain in your head and body, accompanied by tension and rigidness. To live with pain is unbearable. It eats your strength, good moods and desires to do something you love.

If you come from the family, where there was fighting, scandals and aggression instead of love between parents, then your pain originates from some powerful triggers from that time.

These triggers or painful emotional buttons urge you to demonstrate some showy behavior: suffering or braveness. Each type aims at getting approval from the spectators or members of group, where the person needs attention.

There are two types of family wars.

I. type Aggressor-Victim. If you took much after your mother (usually a victim), then you are most likely inherit behavior and mentality of a sufferer. These people have vivid tendency to develop depression. Depressed people unite experience and events with the negative sign and declare: “Everything is bad!” this sort of mentality is called ‘learned pessimism’

II type Fighter-Fighter. When both parents are strong, contradictive and demanding, they can not put up. They often turn their anger (of unsatisfied partners) to their children.

In both cases children may develop acute posttraumatic stress disorder, which is recorded in brain depths with neuro substances typical for those situations. That is why this frightening experience is so hard to cure, as there appears some painful psychosomatic part.

Under certain conditions of stress, small neural networks become divided from the rest of the brain, by a boundary which interferes with the flow of electrical information between neurones, much as a pane of dark glass interferes with the flow of light (in Bolstad, 2000).

I made a presentation “PTSD in Brain” based on neurobiological research for you to know the truth.

Traumatic experience is recorded in the presence of stressful substances.
Their release re-activates isolated networks and causes physical tension & emotional responsiveness.

Download it from my website

To release this pain adult people use alcohol and other addictive substances to feel good and be approved by other significant people. Of course, this temporal relief does not remove the ‘fighting part’. It often accuses you and doubts your human qualities, capabilities & skills, as it had been formed at an early period of your life, when your were inexperienced and trustworthy.  It tortures you, causes pain, sufferings or makes you aggressive.

In psychology we call this phenomenon “conflicting parts” – when you, a wonderful and intelligent personality - have sort of ‘two minds’ contradicting each other.

Moreover, if you were born sexually and physically powerful, you may have developed your own strong will to resist aggressiveness and foreign influence. The paradox lies in the fact that, you had created this will out of painful experience. So, the stronger your will is, the more intensive pain becomes.

What can be done to get rid of this stressful experience or causing pain inner conflicts?

1. Find  NLP experts in your area, who are skillful at

  • Parts Integration
  • Cinema
  • Time Line Therapy™ methods.

These methods are pleasant, safe and do not interfere with the details of past painful experience. They are one time and effective.

2. If you consider yourself strong and never go to therapists to ‘demonstrate your weakness’, you could practice a very effective formula, expressed in one phrase:

“I am peaceful from within”

This purposely practiced formula causes the effect of a fountain purification.

You can sing it, whisper or just repeating it many times.

When you watch fountains animations while practicing

“I am peaceful from within”

the effect doubles as you and your body will become stronger, more beautiful  and healthier

3. You can heal any PTSD at home with
 - my computer program “Eye Movement Integrator” based on Steve Andreas method. This program is effectively used in addiction and mental disorders clinics over 10 years;

-  “Cinema” animated method in PPT

4. You have a nice chance to cure your stress, pain, fears and other problems with me in Rome, Italy 15-16 December, 2014

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Natalia Levis-Fox

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